General Skin Care

You have probably heard that the skin is the largest organ.  Taking care of your skin is essential for not only preserving your good health but also helps boost confidence and self-esteem.  Proper skin care should start in childhood and continue throughout life.

General Skin Care Guidelines

Taking good care of your skin can be achieved by following a few simple rules:

  • Practice sun safe behaviors – UV exposure is the #1 cause of aging skin.
    • Use sunscreen – especially if outside during mid day hours.
    • Do NOT use tanning beds.
    • Wear sun protective clothing such as long sleeves and wide-brimmed hats.
  • Simplify your skin care routine – You don’t have to buy every product your friends are selling online.
    • Daily facial moisturizer with SPF.
    • Nighttime facial moisturizer with a retinoid if tolerable.
    • Avoid heavily fragranced products as these can be irritating.
    • Moisturize areas prone to dryness daily.
  • Choose skin care products formulated for your skin type.
  • Check your skin regularly.
doctor examining skin

Skin Warning Signs

Self Examination should be performed on a regular basis to identify changes in your skin and aid in the early detection of skin cancer. If you notice one or more of the warning signs listed, see a dermatologist:

  • Skin growth that increases in size
  • Skin growth that bleeds frequently or will not heal
  • Any “ugly duckling” skin growth that does not look like the other spots on your skin
  • A mole, birthmark or any brown spot that:
    • Changes in color
    • Changes in texture
    • Increases in size
    • Irregular in outline
    • Larger than 6 mm (the end of a pencil eraser)
    • Appears after age 21
    • A sore or spot with continuous itching, bleeding, crusty, or hurts

Make an appointment
(317) 926-3739

doctor checking face with magnifying glass
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