
Ready to Rediscover Your Skin’s Radiance?

Interested in transforming your skin’s appearance by tackling common concerns like sun damage, age spots, or vascular lesions? Lumecca in Indianapolis from Dermatology Aesthetics might be your solution.

Designed to rejuvenate and brighten skin with fewer sessions and greater comfort, Lumecca’s intense pulsed light (IPL) technology stands out from other treatments for its efficiency, precision, and effectiveness. It’s a great choice when you want to target specific areas of your skin for rejuvenation with minimal discomfort.

Lumecca FAQ

Are you interested in how Lumecca can improve your skin? Get answers to common questions about the treatment process and what to expect so you can make an informed choice before scheduling a consultation.

How Does Lumecca Work?

Lumecca leverages IPL’s diverse light spectrum to address and improve various skin issues. With its selective targeting capabilities, we can rapidly treat specific areas with light to enhance skin appearance and texture. Many patients report noticing a difference after just one or two treatments.

How Can Lumecca Help Me?

Lumecca is versatile and effective for various skin concerns, including:

Pigmentation Issues

  • Age Spots (Liver Spots, Sun Spots): Dark, Flat Spots That Appear on Sun-Exposed Skin
  • Freckles: Small, Light Brown Spots, Typically on the Face and Arms)

Vascular Lesions

  • Spider Veins: Tiny Visible Red, Purple, or Blue Veins on the Legs or Face
  • Rosacea: Persistent Redness on the Face, Sometimes With Visible Blood Vessels or Acne-Like Bumps)
  • Broken Capillaries: Superficial Blood Vessels Visible on the Skin’s Surface, Causing Redness

General Skin Appearance

  • Uneven Skintone: Blotchiness or Discoloration, Including Red or Darkened Areas of Skin
  • Uneven Texture: Rough or Dry Patches of Skin, Possibly Due to Sun Damage or Aging
  • Fine Lines: Early Signs of Aging, Appearing as Small, Shallow Winkles Often Around the Mouth and Eyes

Can Anyone Get Lumecca Treatments?

No, Lumecca isn’t for everyone. 

It works best for people with lighter skin because the treatment targets skin pigment. If a patient with darker skin gets the treatment, they may experience side effects like dark patches. It’s also a no-go for pregnant women and those with certain skin conditions. 

Consult a skin care professional before scheduling a treatment for Lumecca in Indianapolis to determine if you’re a good candidate.

How Does Lumecca Compare to Traditional Laser Treatments?

Lumecca differs in several ways. While both can help with some of the same skin conditions, Lumecca is known for being generally more comfortable and providing quick results. Because it uses a broad spectrum of light, Lumecca can also address a wider range of issues. 

Laser treatments—which often use a single wavelength of light—might be best for targeting more specific issues; however, this solution often requires more sessions and recovery time.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

It depends. There is no set-in-stone answer because the timeline can differ from person to person based on individual factors. That said, most patients are likely to start seeing changes pretty quickly with Lumecca, usually after their first or second session. 

While some may notice a difference in a few days, others might need a bit longer, like a couple of weeks, to see results. Consulting a professional is the best way to get a clear idea of what you can expect.

How Do You Know If Lumecca Is Right for Me?

If you’re curious to learn more and find out if Lumecca will work for you, your best bet is to talk to an expert who understands your specific condition (and skin goals) and the benefits of different available cosmetic treatments.

Book a consultation with one of our experienced team members. During your assessment, we’ll answer questions, provide recommendations to help you improve your skincare, and let you know if you’re a good candidate for this resurfacing and subdermal renewal treatment. 

Looking for Lumecca in Indianapolis?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at Dermatology Aesthetics

It’s time to think less about your skin’s imperfections and more about the clear, glowing skin you can have. 

Ready to see the change that Lumecca can bring? Schedule a consultation with an expert at Dermatology Aesthetics if you’re:

  • New to cosmetic medicine or looking to change providers: Schedule a consultation today to explore whether Lumecca in Indianapolis at Dermatology Aesthetics is the best option to treat your skincare concern.
  • Already a patient: At your next appointment, ask us about Lumecca and whether it could complement your ongoing skin care treatments as a targeted solution for a specific issue, such as age spots, uneven texture, or redness.